Saturday 6 March 2010



Tuesday 11 August 2009

Please buy me these!

The most amazing shoes ive ever had the pleasure of trying on and strutting in!

Someone buy them for me please..........




these are definitely on wish list...amazing!!

Sunday 7 June 2009

My Wish List

So since my last wish list, I have either bought a few of those things or my style for the summer has changed slightly... these are my new wishful items for this summer.... 

Again some I can afford some I cant, and some im just too damn excited about! 

Check out the nylon and nike collaboration hightops, these arent even available yet and im not sure if they will only be available in the US, i hope not because I would literally sell my soul to satan to own a pair of these right now! 

So anyway here goes with this months wishlist...


These office hightops, either in mint green or grey, im literally buying these as we speak I love them so so much!


A baggy, plain, cheap fruit of the loom jumper from ebay, preferbly with some sort of design/illustration on it :)

elizabeth and james

this amazingly beautiful tshirt from the Olsen twin's label Elizabeth and James which is available on


I love this school style bag, its so amazing and id use it forever... or at least until it fell apart!


The sickest trainers you will ever see, these are the Nylon and Nike hightops, I want the orange, katie wants the green choose a colour, order a pair and watch the eyes stare... AMAZING


This is the beautiful Isabella silk dress by designer Maje, its so beautiful and perfect for the summer to keep cool and look fabulous day and night depending on the footwear of choice.

terry dehavilland

These amazing Terry Dehavilland shoes are absolutely amazing and the summer season of wedges is already back in full swing! Ill be saving up for these beauties!

So thats it for my wish list so far. Im sure ill have way more to add but for now this is what im coveting!

Ill be back extremely soon with more news on things ive been doing or new things ive found!


Thursday 7 May 2009

Twilight fans and animation.....

So as you can tell im having a film and youtube obsession this week!

Thought I would share a couple of vids that are floating my boat this week...

The first one is hilarious, well if like me your an avid Twilight fan then you might also think so aswell :) its basically a spoof so even if you hate it you can take the piss :)

came across it on youtube and I love it.....

ahahaha sorry I just watched it again before I posted, its hilarious!

also, my beautiful best friend Katie linked me to this last night, its by an animator called Barry Pilling as far as I can tell! There 2 of his vids I want to show you that are so beautiful and amazing, and 1 thats down right hilarious! So here we go....

The first one is animation along to the song First Love my the Maccabees, it suits the song amazingly and its such an amazing video..

The 2nd is animation to Always on my Mind by Elvis, I think I like this one better although it not as clean cut as the other one!

and finally this is a 3rd one of his videos and depicts his interpretation of the creation of the world, see it through its bloody hilarious, hope you enjoy it as much as we did :)

Thanks Katie for the link :)

Hope you enjoyed all the vids tonight :)

Love Love xx

Potter, Transformers 2 and Night at the Museum

.... So tonight I was thinking about 3 films im pretty excited for coming up in the next month/month and a bit!

I thought I would share the trailers with you! The 4th Potter trailer is out and it looks ksljekwljhfjdbvnjdkzbvkjas AMAZING!

wow its out on the 17th July and I absolutely CANNOT wait wooo! NOT GOING TO EXPLAIN PLOT-LINE, YOU SHOULD HAVE READ THE BOOK.......... BUT IF YOU WANT TO KNOW GO ON IMDB.COM :)

Also the Transformers sequel is also out on the 26th June! as far as I can get from the trailer without wanting to know too much before it comes out ....


Sam goes to college, doesnt take bumblebee as maybe hes getting a bit too old for a robot car, as hes unpacking and a piece of the Allspark that was apparently destroyed in movie 1, is discovered, soon after sam begins to have visions of some symbols which turn out to be in a pyramid and could be hiding some sort of info/weapon/other bad for earth kind of thing, that the rescued Megatron wants, along with revenge. Sam is dragged back into this shit along with the Autobots to save the day.

ACE! cant wait, first one is in top 10 films of all time so this is going to be gooooood! :)

and Lastly a little guilty pleasure I harbor, the sequel to Night at the Museum is out this month! I cant wait, fans of the 1st one will lovingly remember the 2 little scoundrels Jed and Octavius (i.e. mini Owen Wilson and Steve Coogan). Well these 2 get wrongly transported to the wrong museum and its up to Larry to save them, taking along the magic Egyptian plate with him, he brings to life the residents of the Smithsonian Institute!

So enjoy, check them out when they come out and tell me what you think!

love love! xx

Wednesday 6 May 2009


So the photoshoot happened, it was a really fun sessions, totally random if im honest we just decided that we could hold out for the weather any longer!

I had a couple of themes, the first was sort of a fairy tale theme with beautiful dresses, huge shoes and lots of greenery! the next was a alice in wonderland theme, that consisted of sitting in katies cattery taking pictures in small box like setting. The last one was decidedly more private with it being an underwear theme! I will refrain from putting those pictures up until they have been properly edited!

So here are some my favourites:














Please tell me what you think!


Tuesday 28 April 2009


So apparently doing 2 shoots is tiring, hardwork but absolutely fucking hilarious! For my final university project im creating a teenage magazine! These are two moodboards I have created for the shoot as inspiration, pose and style....



Photo's from the shoot coming soon :)
